The mission is to train people on how to first create the lives they most desire using age old principles from the Bible.
The next focus is changing the culture of nations – changing the way people think in general. Society can effectively change if we only change the way the people of that society think. In order to accomplish this, the program will have to address the whole person.
Training focus shall address all social, economic, political, family, and personal issues.
Sub component of Training:
- Domestic Violence Advocacy: Domestic Violence is the power or control over individuals and is a human rights issue. The mission is to educate abused women and children (typical victims) on the signs of DV. Key components are housing (provision of shelter for victims including children, pets, etc.), rapid deployment, clothing (as victims sometimes have to suddenly leave without anything), emergency relief, and interaction with other ministries. This ministry will also include advocacy, and provision of assistance and training to victims. Overall, the goal is to provide hope to victims and implementing actions that will stop the vicious cycle to avoid victims from turning into abusers in the future.
- Education: The goal is to educate the youth and prepare them for the future by providing a learning environment and tools that enable them to become educated and successful contributing members of society. In many societies, learning conditions and tools have deteriorated due to war and the need only to survive.
Medium includes: radio programs, seminars, conferences, and personal training which will be conducted throughout the country. Trainings will be provided for all demographic groups.
The goal: To create a new culture of thought which will subsequently create a new culture of morals and ultimately, life style.
You can change a man’s world if you can change the way the man thinks.